Well after posting about the convertible s15 earlier this week, I just realized I like hardtops(NO HOMO!). You buy a convertible for the purpose of having no roof and feel the wind pounding on your face(NO HOMO!) but I can't stop liking how convertibles roll with hardtops. It just looks so right.
Don't mind the "JDMness" of the Civic in the rear..........
I can't see why you won't love hardtops. The Miata is among the best hardtops that I've seen. It's no surprise that it's still sought after by many tuner enthusiasts. I would love to drive one of those in Palm Desert. Insurance included, of course. Or just anywhere within Palm Springs. Insurance would also be nice, since I don't own any of those cars and will possibly be borrowing from a friend who's drunk enough to hand over his keys.
That civic is JDM dope yo! Lol
not only is it JDM dope, its JDM AS FUCK!!
Woah! Baby!
I can't see why you won't love hardtops. The Miata is among the best hardtops that I've seen. It's no surprise that it's still sought after by many tuner enthusiasts. I would love to drive one of those in Palm Desert. Insurance included, of course. Or just anywhere within Palm Springs. Insurance would also be nice, since I don't own any of those cars and will possibly be borrowing from a friend who's drunk enough to hand over his keys.
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